Podcast & YouTube channel: Bat Lessons
My friend Alex Cash and I cohost a show about Batman. It focuses on the context around the development of the characters, the history of the Batman universe, and the impact that our world had on it.

YouTube channel: Banders Drums
I have a YouTube channel where I post recordings of me playing drum covers. I plan to compose my own music someday.

VSCode extension: Sublime Duplicate Text
I built a VSCode extension that duplicates text like Sublime Text does. This makes replicating the keyboard shortcuts in VSCode a bit simpler.
NPM package: Two Way Merge
I built an NPM module and published it to the global package library. The module is a command line action that takes two directories and merges them into each other.
Ruby Gem: Middleman XML Validator
I built a Ruby Gem and published it to the global library. The gem was an XML validator for Middleman static site generator systems.

Alfred Workflow: Google Meet Code
I wrote a simple Alfred Workflow to extract the meeting code from a Google Meet URL.
Speaking: Graceland University ACM Chapter Presentation
ACM stands for The Association for Computing Machinery. As a former ACM President of the Graceland University chapter, I try to present at ACM whenever I'm in town. The campus newspaper wrote up a little piece after one of my previous visits.

Podcast Interview: Signed In Ink
My brother Kevin has a podcast about people. People with tattoos. I have been a guest on the show a few times.
MICS 2013 Robotics contest
MICS stands for The Midwest Instruction and Computing Symposium. MICS hosts an annual robotics contest and a programming contest. After Alex graduated, I enhanced the code that we wrote in 2011 to compete in the robotics contest again. I managed to win 2nd place, again.
Fish Tank Computer 2012
For a college course, Alex Cash and I made a fishtank computer using mineral oil. The idea is that the mineral oil will cool the computer. Since mineral oil is non-conductive, the computer components are safe and won't ruin. The downside is that the oil can wick up the cord and into the wall socket. The experiment worked, and was a good learning experience for us.
MICS 2011 Robotics contest
MICS stands for The Midwest Instruction and Computing Symposium. MICS hosts an annual robotics contest and a programming contest. This is the code that Alex Cash and I wrote to compete in the robotics contest. We won 2nd place.
iTunes JScripts
I have been a junkie for iTunes and Apple Music since middle school. For many of my early years, I was a Windows user. My parents wouldn't let me have internet, so I manually managed my library. This means that I typed in everything by hand. When I learned to program, I realized how helpful it would be to automate some library management tasks. I wrote JScripts to interface with my iTunes Library and to do repetitive tasks.
Participated in RAGBRAI 2017
RAGBRAI stands for The Register’s Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa. In 2017, my mom and I rode RAGBRAI together. We joined the Graceland University alumni team for the week. We rode over 400 miles in 7 days.